ACS Plan Forms

To print an ACS Plan Form, select ‘ACS file’ in the template list. The program will then prompt you to select an ACS file for the template.
The sample files are included in the

The ACS job contains the lines and text which form the border and explanatory text on a plan. The plan form job is a standard job which may consist of points, lines and text on a scale of 1:1000 so that 1 metre in the job is 1mm on the plan. Insert the points, lines and text as you require to compose a plan form template.

Several sample plan forms are supplied, one for A3 and one for A4 plans.


Each job has a number of elements:


The viewport defines a bounding box on the sheet, the lower left and upper right co-ords in sheet mm of the viewport window. The survey job will be drawn inside this window.


Define strings as normal ACSP strings from point to point. You can set the line type (dashed etc), colour and line thickness.


Define text as normal GeoSurvey text at a point or a co-ordinate. You can set the text position, font, colour, bold, italic, underline, size etc as per normal ACS text.

Special text strings will be replaced with job parameters.

You can add images to the plan form by entering a piece of text starting at the bottom left corner of where you want the image to print. The text should contain ‘image=image.bmp’ where the image.bmp can be any .bmp file. See Mimaka A4 Plan Form for an example.
Two sample files are included in the - Geodata.bmp and mimlogo.bmp